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Strictly Dumpling
strictlydumpling #UCXOKEdfOFxsHO_-Su3K8SHg
Country: US
Category: Travel & Event
Total views: 1.1B
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Created: 11 years ago
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History, main idea and reasons of popularity of Strictly Dumpling

Indulge in a Flavorful Journey with Strictly Dumpling

Do you love food? Do you constantly crave for unique flavors that are not readily available in your neighborhood? Do you have an insatiable appetite for exploring exotic street food and local delicacies? If your answer is yes to all these questions, then you have come to the right place. Welcome to the world of Strictly Dumpling!

A Brief Introduction

Strictly Dumpling is an American YouTube channel that was started by the famous foodie and traveler, Mike Chen, in October 2013. Currently, the channel has over 4.1 million subscribers and 993 million views. The channel is known for its food-based content, and it mainly focuses on street food and local cuisine from different parts of the world.

The Man behind the Channel

Mike Chen is the passionate foodie and globe-trotter who created Strictly Dumpling. He was born in China and raised in the United States. This has allowed him to be immersed in the best of both worlds as he has first-hand knowledge of the authentic Chinese cuisine while living a modern American life. He is in his early 40s, and he is a married man with two children.

Mike holds a degree in Computer Science and worked in the tech industry before becoming a full-time content creator. He is a self-taught chef and an expert in Chinese cuisine.

The Content

The channel's content is mainly centered around food, more specifically street food and the local cuisine of various countries. Mike's videos explore his journey and experiences as he travels to different parts of the world in search of the best food. His reviews and tastings of the different dishes are in-depth, and he does not shy away from giving his honest opinion. The channel's content is not only a celebration of food but also a way of exploring different cultures and traditions.

Interesting Facts

  • Mike started the channel with no prior experience in content creation, and he learned everything along the way.
  • The name "Strictly Dumpling" was inspired by Mike's love for dumplings. He used to have a segment called "Dumpling Diary" where he would explore different variations of dumplings in different countries.
  • Mike's favorite food is hotpot, a popular Chinese dish that he has featured on the channel numerous times.
  • The channel features several collaborations with other creators and chefs, such as Mark Wiens from Migrationology and David Chang from Momofuku.
  • Strictly Dumpling is not just a YouTube channel. It also has a website, where Mike shares his recipes and food recommendations.


If you are a foodie, a traveler, or someone looking to expand their palate, then Strictly Dumpling is the perfect channel for you. With its engaging content and in-depth reviews, you will feel like you are traveling with Mike as he explores the best street food and local cuisine from around the world. So, sit back, relax, and embark on a flavorful journey with Strictly Dumpling!

@strictlydumpling youtube channel total stats

Views growth
1.1B total views
Estimated monthly income
$641 - $10.2K
Average subs grow speed
total followers
Video uploads count
Most recent video Mar 4, 2025
Last video: 3 days ago
Avg views per video: 470.7K
Avg likes per video: 9.6K
Streams count: 3
Shorts count: 1
Engagement rate: locked
Sponsorship and ads: locked

Last 7 days statistics

Day Est. Earnings Views growth Subs New videos
Today $ - $ -
Mar 5 $49 - $777 +194.1K
Mar 3 $65 - $1K +258.1K
Mar 1 $44 - $691 +172.6K
Total for 7 days $157 - $2.5K +624.9K - +0

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Latest videos and streams of Strictly Dumpling

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Frequently asked questions about strictlydumpling (FAQ)

How many subscribers does @strictlydumpling have?

As of Mar, 2025, strictlydumpling has subscribers.

How many views does Strictly Dumpling have on youtube?

strictlydumpling has 1.1B views on Mar 4, 2025. In the last 30 days, it has gained 624.9K views

How much money does strictlydumpling make?

In last month strictlydumpling makes approximately $5.1K per month ($641 - $10.2K)
This is based on the average cpm for related content and the number of views for the last 30 days.

How many videos has Strictly Dumpling uploaded on youtube?

As of Mar, 2025, strictlydumpling has 0 videos and at least 1 shorts

How many likes does strictlydumpling have?

For the last 165 videos strictlydumpling has 9.6K likes in average and maximum - 26.2K likes
Channel published 1 shorts, and has likes in average and maximum - likes

What is strictlydumpling channel_id?

Youtube channel id for @strictlydumpling is UCXOKEdfOFxsHO_-Su3K8SHg. It can be used to find channel in youtube api or other services.
Also channel is known as "Strictly Dumpling"

What is the main topic and idea of Strictly Dumpling content?

The main genre of Strictly Dumpling, based on last videos is Travel & Event.
Also channel can be described by it's keywords: street food, travel, travel food, cooking, food, street, asia, best, street food around the world, chinese cooking

Is strictlydumpling popular on youtube?

No, channel is not popular on youtube - it has less than 10k subs. But it is growing fast! . As of Mar, 2025, it has subscribers and 1.1B views.. In the last 30 days, it has gained 624.9K views

From which country are strictlydumpling subscribers and how old is it's audience?

As for now - the youtube channel @strictlydumpling has information that it is located in United States
More information about channel's audience including interests, age and gender, languages, countries, CTA, brand mentions, quality score and media value can be found in pro subscription. There is demographic data for all channels.