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PetersPasta #UCMsQdrzt1oyVC5KF6N98wFw
Country: US
Category: Education
Total views: 1.7B
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Created: 4 years ago
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History, main idea and reasons of popularity of PetersPasta

PetersPasta: A Journey Through the World of Pasta

PetersPasta is a YouTube channel that is fully dedicated to everyone's favorite carb - pasta! Created on January 19, 2021, by Peter, this channel has grown to become an informative and entertaining destination for pasta lovers from all around the world.

With 340,000 subscribers and over 149 million views, PetersPasta is a channel that has proven to be very popular among people from all walks of life. The channel has 165 videos on its playlist, and their main focus is on creating amazing pasta recipes that are easy to follow and fun to make.

A Passion for Pasta

Peter is a charismatic YouTuber who has a true passion for pasta. His videos are filled with enthusiasm, humor, and a profound love for cooking. His recipes are unique, and each video provides a unique twist that makes them stand out from the rest.

In each video, Peter takes the time to explain the history of the pasta dish he is preparing, its ingredients, and the best way to cook it. He also adds genuine personal anecdotes and insider tips to make the recipe easier to follow.

From Basic to Gourmet

Peter's pasta recipes range from basic to gourmet, depending on your level of cooking experience. He has a variety of pasta dishes that cater to all types of palettes, from simple spaghetti dressed in olive oil and parmesan to more complex dishes that require more advanced techniques such as handmade ravioli or lasagna.

Peter's approach to cooking is very approachable, and he takes the time to break down each step of the recipe in a way that anyone can understand. He offers helpful tips like boiling pasta in salted water and adding the sauce directly to the pasta right after it has been drained. These are simple tips that make all the difference in turning a good pasta dish into an excellent one.

More Than Just a Cooking Channel

PetersPasta is more than just a cooking channel; it is a community that brings together pasta lovers from all parts of the world. Peter often engages with his viewers and encourages them to share their feedback and ideas. He also conducts live cooking classes and Q&A sessions, where viewers can ask him questions and connect with each other.

One of the most interesting aspects of PetersPasta is that it is an educational channel, teaching viewers about the history and cultural significance of each dish. The show is not just about cooking amazing pasta; it's also about understanding the context in which the dish was created and the cultural significance it holds.

The Future of PetersPasta

PetersPasta has developed a loyal following of pasta enthusiasts and foodies alike, and it is poised to become even more popular as the channel continues to grow. One of the most exciting aspects of PetersPasta is that it captures the essence of cooking: bringing people together, creating a sense of community, and sharing fantastic food.

Peter's passion for pasta and cooking is contagious, and his unique approach to making and sharing pasta dishes has made PetersPasta one of the most popular and entertaining cooking channels on YouTube. Whether you're a seasoned chef or a beginner cook, PetersPasta has something to offer, and we look forward to seeing more amazing pasta dishes from Peter in the future.

@PetersPasta youtube channel total stats

Views growth
1.7B total views
Estimated monthly income
$4.9K - $78.4K
Average subs grow speed
total followers
Video uploads count
Most recent video Feb 20, 2025
Last video: 2 weeks ago
Avg views per video: 107K
Avg likes per video: 3K
Streams count: 1
Shorts count: 214
Engagement rate: locked
Sponsorship and ads: locked

Last 7 days statistics

Day Est. Earnings Views growth Subs New videos
Today $ - $ -
Mar 5 $357 - $5.7K +1.43M
Mar 3 $370 - $5.9K +1.48M
Mar 1 $471 - $7.5K +1.88M
Total for 7 days $1.1K - $19.1K +4.78M - +0

Latest videos and streams of PetersPasta

Pasta mit Arthur Moats | Knead to Know mit Peters Pasta Folge 8
Pasta mit Wodka
Green Bay-Finale
Folge 7 Finale
Pasta for Emily Harrigan | Knead to Know with Peters Pasta Episode 6
I Made Pasta with 1,000 Eggs!
Pasta with Larry Fitzgerald! | Knead to Know with Peters Pasta Episode 5

Frequently asked questions about PetersPasta (FAQ)

How many subscribers does @PetersPasta have?

As of Feb, 2025, PetersPasta has subscribers.

How many views does PetersPasta have on youtube?

PetersPasta has 1.7B views on Feb 20, 2025. In the last 30 days, it has gained 4.78M views

How much money does PetersPasta make?

In last month PetersPasta makes approximately $39.2K per month ($4.9K - $78.4K)
This is based on the average cpm for related content and the number of views for the last 30 days.

How many videos has PetersPasta uploaded on youtube?

As of Feb, 2025, PetersPasta has 0 videos and at least 214 shorts

How many likes does PetersPasta have?

For the last 30 videos PetersPasta has 3K likes in average and maximum - 27.2K likes
Channel published 214 shorts, and has 242.5K likes in average and maximum - 3.22M likes

What is PetersPasta channel_id?

Youtube channel id for @PetersPasta is UCMsQdrzt1oyVC5KF6N98wFw. It can be used to find channel in youtube api or other services.
Also channel is known as "PetersPasta"

What is the main topic and idea of PetersPasta content?

The main genre of PetersPasta, based on last videos is Education.
Also channel can be described by it's keywords:

Is PetersPasta popular on youtube?

No, channel is not popular on youtube - it has less than 10k subs. But it is growing fast! . As of Feb, 2025, it has subscribers and 1.7B views.. In the last 30 days, it has gained 4.78M views

From which country are PetersPasta subscribers and how old is it's audience?

As for now - the youtube channel @PetersPasta has information that it is located in United States
More information about channel's audience including interests, age and gender, languages, countries, CTA, brand mentions, quality score and media value can be found in pro subscription. There is demographic data for all channels.