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Paul Cuffaro
paulcuffaro #UCKFtfFitaK83yBc0rlg9m1A
Country: US
Category: Sports
Total views: 999.22M
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Created: 11 years ago
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History, main idea and reasons of popularity of Paul Cuffaro

Paul Cuffaro: The Wild and Whacky World of Backyard Adventures

If you're a fan of crazy outdoor adventures and wild animals, then you need to check out Paul Cuffaro's YouTube channel. This 22-year-old daredevil has been making a name for himself with his unique brand of backyard adventures and animal antics that will leave you on the edge of your seat.

A Man on a Mission: Paul Cuffaro's Journey

Paul Cuffaro is a YouTube star who was born and raised in Florida. His love for the great outdoors started from a young age when he would often explore the nearby woods and streams with his friends. As he grew older, he started to share his adventures with the world through his YouTube channel, which he started back in 2014.

One of the things that make Paul so different from other YouTube stars is his ability to take any outdoor activity and make it exciting. From building elaborate backyard ponds to catching dangerous snakes and lizards, he always manages to find a way to make the mundane exhilarating.

Behind the Scenes: The Life of Paul Cuffaro

Paul Cuffaro may be known for his death-defying stunts and exciting animal encounters, but he is also a regular young guy who loves to spend time with his friends and family. He is an animal lover who grew up with pets, and now he has turned his passion into his career.

When he's not hanging out with his animal friends or exploring new adventures, Paul enjoys spending time with his close circle of friends. He is also always thinking of new ideas for his channel and how he can take his content to the next level.

Paul Cuffaro's Rise to Fame

Paul's rise to fame has been nothing short of meteoric. With over 2.5 million subscribers and more than 671 million views on his channel, he has become one of the most popular YouTube stars in the world.

One of the things that make Paul's channel so popular is his ability to connect with his viewers. He doesn't just film himself doing crazy stunts, but he also takes time to explain the mechanics behind them and answer any questions his viewers may have.

Another thing that sets Paul apart from other YouTube stars is his commitment to education. He often creates educational content that teaches his viewers about different types of animals and how to care for them.

The Future of Paul Cuffaro's Channel

So what does the future hold for Paul Cuffaro's channel? Well, with his creative mind and boundless energy, the possibilities are endless. He has already proven that he can turn any outdoor activity into an exciting adventure, and his commitment to educating his viewers makes him a valuable resource for anyone interested in animals.

Whether you're looking for an exciting outdoor adventure or just want to learn more about animals, Paul Cuffaro's YouTube channel is the perfect place to start. So what are you waiting for? Dive in and join the world of backyard adventures today!

@paulcuffaro youtube channel total stats

Views growth
999.22M total views
Estimated monthly income
$1.6K - $26.2K
Average subs grow speed
total followers
Video uploads count
Most recent video Mar 5, 2025
Last video: 2 days ago
Avg views per video: 284.7K
Avg likes per video: 19.1K
Streams count: 1
Shorts count: 16
Engagement rate: locked
Sponsorship and ads: locked

Last 7 days statistics

Day Est. Earnings Views growth Subs New videos
Today $ - $ -
Mar 5 $159 - $2.5K +634.7K
Mar 3 $103 - $1.6K +408.4K
Mar 1 $140 - $2.2K +556.3K
Total for 7 days $400 - $6.3K +1.6M - +0

Latest videos and streams of Paul Cuffaro

Moving ALL My MONSTER FISH into BackYard POND!! (crazy)
I Need THIS for My FARM!! (Full Reptile Expo)
This Animal is ATTACKING My PETS…
We Bought a EXOTIC ANIMAL for NEW Enclosure!!
Buying NEW FISH for My REEF POND!!
I Bought 10,000 Lady Bugs for My FARM!! (insane)
I got a ZEBRA SHARK… again

Frequently asked questions about paulcuffaro (FAQ)

How many subscribers does @paulcuffaro have?

As of Mar, 2025, paulcuffaro has subscribers.

How many views does Paul Cuffaro have on youtube?

paulcuffaro has 999.22M views on Mar 5, 2025. In the last 30 days, it has gained 1.6M views

How much money does paulcuffaro make?

In last month paulcuffaro makes approximately $13.1K per month ($1.6K - $26.2K)
This is based on the average cpm for related content and the number of views for the last 30 days.

How many videos has Paul Cuffaro uploaded on youtube?

As of Mar, 2025, paulcuffaro has 0 videos and at least 16 shorts

How many likes does paulcuffaro have?

For the last 243 videos paulcuffaro has 19.1K likes in average and maximum - 59.2K likes
Channel published 16 shorts, and has 5.7K likes in average and maximum - 12.4K likes

What is paulcuffaro channel_id?

Youtube channel id for @paulcuffaro is UCKFtfFitaK83yBc0rlg9m1A. It can be used to find channel in youtube api or other services.
Also channel is known as "Paul Cuffaro"

What is the main topic and idea of Paul Cuffaro content?

The main genre of Paul Cuffaro, based on last videos is Sports.
Also channel can be described by it's keywords:

Is paulcuffaro popular on youtube?

No, channel is not popular on youtube - it has less than 10k subs. But it is growing fast! . As of Mar, 2025, it has subscribers and 999.22M views.. In the last 30 days, it has gained 1.6M views

From which country are paulcuffaro subscribers and how old is it's audience?

As for now - the youtube channel @paulcuffaro has information that it is located in United States
More information about channel's audience including interests, age and gender, languages, countries, CTA, brand mentions, quality score and media value can be found in pro subscription. There is demographic data for all channels.