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Gerardo Ortiz
GerardoOrtizOficial #UCfxLuDIVfwArsz5waYMMLDQ
Country: US
Category: Music
Total views: 3.9B
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Created: 16 years ago
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History, main idea and reasons of popularity of Gerardo Ortiz

Gerardo Ortiz: The YouTube Sensation Taking the Music World by Storm

Gerardo Ortiz is a name that resonates within the walls of music lovers worldwide. Hailed as one of the most prominent YouTube sensations of our time, this music genius has catapulted to the zenith of the music industry to stake his claim among the greats. His YouTube channel, Gerardo Ortiz, has amassed over 4.75 million subscribers and 3.19 billion views, making him a force to be reckoned with in the music world.

The Journey of Gerardo Ortiz

Born on October 5, 1989, in Pasadena, California, Gerardo Ortiz grew up in a family of musicians. He began cultivating his love for music at a tender age and started writing and composing songs. His passion for music grew as he matured, and with hard work and dedication, he eventually became a household name.

In 2008, Gerardo Ortiz created his YouTube channel which he named GerardoOrtizOficial. The channel initially started as a platform where he could showcase his music to his fans on the internet. However, his consistent desire for growth and excellence soon saw him explore other spheres of music and other genres. Today, his channel boasts of a variety of content ranging from music videos, documentaries, and behind-the-scenes footage of his music concerts.

The Content on Gerardo Ortiz Channel

Gerardo Ortiz's channel is mainly focused on music. The channel has 146 videos that are primarily music videos of his hit songs. His music style is a perfect fusion of traditional Mexican music with elements of hip hop and RnB. He sings in Spanish, and his lyrics predominantly focus on family values, love, and Mexican-American culture. His music has earned him several prestigious awards, including the 2013 Billboard Latin Music Award for "Best Norteño Album"

Interesting Facts about Gerardo Ortiz

Aside from his exceptional talent for music, there are other interesting things to know about Gerardo Ortiz.

  • Gerardo Ortiz's actual name is Gerardo Ortíz Medina, but he goes by Gerardo Ortiz.

  • He has a bachelor's degree in Business Administration. Ortiz studied at Chaffey College in Rancho Cucamonga, California.

  • Known for his philanthropic nature, Gerardo Ortiz launched the charity organization "El Suavecito Foundation" in 2013. The foundation's main focus is to provide education and healthcare to underprivileged children in Mexico and the United States.

  • In 2013, The New York Times named him "The Contemporary King of Orderly Mayhem" due to his ability to generate a massive audience at his shows, which sometimes lead to riots.

The Future of Gerardo Ortiz

Gerardo Ortiz's music has made him a household name globally. His ability to blend different genres of music while maintaining authenticity has made him a significant figure in the music industry. His YouTube channel has been a significant tool in promoting his music career, and his success is proof that YouTube has become a force to be reckoned with in the music industry.

In conclusion, Gerardo Ortiz's journey into the music world is a testament to the fact that talent, consistency, and hard work are the keys to success. He proves that with determination, creativity, and a willingness to take risks, one can achieve greatness in any field. Gerardo Ortiz is one to watch, and his journey is nowhere near over.

@GerardoOrtizOficial youtube channel total stats

Views growth
3.9B total views
Estimated monthly income
$40.7K - $651.2K
Average subs grow speed
total followers
Video uploads count
Most recent video Jun 7, 2024
Last video: 9 months ago
Avg views per video: 6.57M
Avg likes per video: 13.5K
Streams count: 1
Shorts count: 51
Engagement rate: locked
Sponsorship and ads: locked

Last 7 days statistics

Day Est. Earnings Views growth Subs New videos
Today $ - $ -
Mar 5 $ - $ -
Mar 3 $ - $ -
Mar 1 $9.9K - $158.8K +39.71M
Total for 7 days $9.9K - $158.8K +39.71M - +0

Latest videos and streams of Gerardo Ortiz

Gerardo Ortiz - El Morro (Official Lyric Video)
Gerardo Ortiz, Régulo Caro, Wil Caro - Hola Corazón (En Vivo)
El Frizian x Gerardo Ortíz - Paris (Official Video)
Gerardo Ortiz, Santa Fe Klan - 3 de la Mañana (Official Video)
Gerardo Ortiz - Ahí No Era (Official Video)
No Tengo Rival [CELEBRACIÓN] Gerardo Ortiz
Gerardo Ortiz - Linda Linda (Video Lyric)
Gerardo Ortiz - Las Ratas (Video Lyric)

Frequently asked questions about GerardoOrtizOficial (FAQ)

How many subscribers does @GerardoOrtizOficial have?

As of Jun, 2024, GerardoOrtizOficial has subscribers.

How many views does Gerardo Ortiz have on youtube?

GerardoOrtizOficial has 3.9B views on Jun 7, 2024. In the last 30 days, it has gained 39.71M views

How much money does GerardoOrtizOficial make?

In last month GerardoOrtizOficial makes approximately $325.6K per month ($40.7K - $651.2K)
This is based on the average cpm for related content and the number of views for the last 30 days.

How many videos has Gerardo Ortiz uploaded on youtube?

As of Jun, 2024, GerardoOrtizOficial has 0 videos and at least 51 shorts

How many likes does GerardoOrtizOficial have?

For the last 50 videos GerardoOrtizOficial has 13.5K likes in average and maximum - 95.8K likes
Channel published 51 shorts, and has 751 likes in average and maximum - 3.6K likes

What is GerardoOrtizOficial channel_id?

Youtube channel id for @GerardoOrtizOficial is UCfxLuDIVfwArsz5waYMMLDQ. It can be used to find channel in youtube api or other services.
Also channel is known as "Gerardo Ortiz"

What is the main topic and idea of Gerardo Ortiz content?

The main genre of Gerardo Ortiz, based on last videos is Music.
Also channel can be described by it's keywords: Gerardo, Ortiz, Youtube, Oficial

Is GerardoOrtizOficial popular on youtube?

No, channel is not popular on youtube - it has less than 10k subs. But it is growing fast! . As of Jun, 2024, it has subscribers and 3.9B views.. In the last 30 days, it has gained 39.71M views

From which country are GerardoOrtizOficial subscribers and how old is it's audience?

As for now - the youtube channel @GerardoOrtizOficial has information that it is located in United States
More information about channel's audience including interests, age and gender, languages, countries, CTA, brand mentions, quality score and media value can be found in pro subscription. There is demographic data for all channels.