Dr. Agustin Landivar youtube avatar
Dr. Agustin Landivar
DrAgustinLandivar #UCNJ3LDzAFmu4AcqKReGxONw
Country: US
Category: Education
Total views: 928.25M
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Created: 9 years ago
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  4. Dr. Agustin Landivar

History, main idea and reasons of popularity of Dr. Agustin Landivar

The Rise of the Natural Medicine Movement

In recent years, the natural medicine movement has been gaining momentum in the United States, and one of the most prominent figures in this movement is Dr. Agustin Landivar. Dr. Landivar is a physician who believes in the power of natural medicine to promote health and vitality. He has gained a massive following on YouTube through his channel, DrAgustinLandivar, where he shares information on how to improve physical and mental health through the use of natural remedies and supplements.

Meet Dr. Agustin Landivar

Dr. Landivar is a physician who was born in Ecuador and received his medical education there before moving to the United States. He has been practicing medicine for over 20 years and has gained a reputation as an expert in natural medicine. Dr. Landivar believes that the body has the ability to heal itself, and that natural remedies and supplements can help support this process. He is the founder of a website that provides information on the use of vitamins, minerals, and dietary supplements to enhance health and wellbeing.

The Content of Dr. Landivar's Channel

Dr. Landivar's YouTube channel is focused on educating people about natural medicine and how it can be used to promote physical and mental health. He covers a wide range of topics, from the benefits of specific supplements to the use of natural remedies for various health conditions. Dr. Landivar uses his medical expertise to provide evidence-based information on the effectiveness of natural medicine, and he often cites scientific studies to back up his claims.

The Appeal of Dr. Landivar's Channel

One of the reasons why Dr. Landivar's channel has gained such a large following is because of his engaging and accessible style. He breaks down complex medical concepts into easy-to-understand language and uses relatable examples to help people understand how natural medicine works. He also uses a lot of slang and idioms which makes his approach relatable to the average viewer.

Another reason why Dr. Landivar's channel is so popular is that he provides practical advice on how to use natural medicine to improve health. He doesn't just provide theoretical information; he also gives specific recommendations on which supplements to take, how much to take, and how to incorporate natural remedies into your daily routine. This practical approach has helped many of his viewers get real results in improving their health.


Dr. Agustin Landivar has become one of the most influential figures in the natural medicine movement in the United States. Through his YouTube channel, he has been able to educate millions of people on the benefits of natural medicine and how it can be used to improve physical and mental health. As the natural medicine movement continues to gain momentum, it's likely that Dr. Landivar's influence will only continue to grow.

@DrAgustinLandivar youtube channel total stats

Views growth
928.25M total views
Estimated monthly income
$1.1K - $18.4K
Average subs grow speed
total followers
Video uploads count
Most recent video Dec 20, 2024
Last video: 2 days ago
Avg views per video: 41.8K
Avg likes per video: 4.3K
Streams count: 498
Shorts count: 90
Engagement rate: locked
Sponsorship and ads: locked

Last 7 days statistics

Day Est. Earnings Views growth Subs New videos
Dec 21 $92 - $1.4K +367.5K
Dec 19 $95 - $1.5K +376.1K
Dec 17 $96 - $1.5K +381.8K
Total for 7 days $282 - $4.5K +1.13M - +0

Latest videos and streams of Dr. Agustin Landivar

JUGO DE MENTA EN AYUNAS 2025 - Beneficios, Para Que Sirve Y Contraindicaciones
COMO SALVAR TU HIGADO ESTE 2025 - Regenera Tu Higado Con Estas 5 Maneras
Jugo De Linaza Y Sésamo En Ayunas - Para Qué Sirve? - Beneficios Para Tu Salud Y Belleza
30 DIAS SIN AZUCAR Y PASA ESTO! - Beneficios De Dejar El Azucar Y Contraindicaciones
Para Qué Sirve La Maca? - Beneficios Para La Salud, Belleza Y Más
ALERTA! SI ESTAS CANSADO ESTAS ENFERMO - Causas Y Enfermedades Que Producen Baja Energia
Cebollin ¿Para Qué Sirve? - Beneficios Del Cebollino O Cebollita Verde Para Tu Salud Y Belleza

Frequently asked questions about DrAgustinLandivar (FAQ)

How many subscribers does @DrAgustinLandivar have?

As of Dec, 2024, DrAgustinLandivar has subscribers.

How many views does Dr. Agustin Landivar have on youtube?

DrAgustinLandivar has 928.25M views on Dec 20, 2024. In the last 30 days, it has gained 1.13M views

How much money does DrAgustinLandivar make?

In last month DrAgustinLandivar makes approximately $9.2K per month ($1.1K - $18.4K)
This is based on the average cpm for related content and the number of views for the last 30 days.

How many videos has Dr. Agustin Landivar uploaded on youtube?

As of Dec, 2024, DrAgustinLandivar has 0 videos and at least 90 shorts

How many likes does DrAgustinLandivar have?

For the last 513 videos DrAgustinLandivar has 4.3K likes in average and maximum - 14.2K likes
Channel published 90 shorts, and has 8.3K likes in average and maximum - 25.2K likes

What is DrAgustinLandivar channel_id?

Youtube channel id for @DrAgustinLandivar is UCNJ3LDzAFmu4AcqKReGxONw. It can be used to find channel in youtube api or other services.
Also channel is known as "Dr. Agustin Landivar"

What is the main topic and idea of Dr. Agustin Landivar content?

The main genre of Dr. Agustin Landivar, based on last videos is Education.
Also channel can be described by it's keywords: Medicina Natural, Tratamientos Natural, Remedios, Como, Peso, Salud, Metabolismo, dr. agustin landivar

Is DrAgustinLandivar popular on youtube?

No, channel is not popular on youtube - it has less than 10k subs. But it is growing fast! . As of Dec, 2024, it has subscribers and 928.25M views.. In the last 30 days, it has gained 1.13M views

From which country are DrAgustinLandivar subscribers and how old is it's audience?

As for now - the youtube channel @DrAgustinLandivar has information that it is located in United States
More information about channel's audience including interests, age and gender, languages, countries, CTA, brand mentions, quality score and media value can be found in influtrend.com pro subscription. There is demographic data for all channels.