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depeet #UC4yMQLB46N8D_0HsX374Nhw
Country: US
Category: Entertainment
Total views: 2B
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Created: 5 years ago
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History, main idea and reasons of popularity of depeet

The Rise of Depeet: The YouTube Sensation taking the College Community by Storm

When it comes to entertainment on YouTube, there's no shortage of talent, but one channel that has been picking up steam lately is depeet. With over 281,000 subscribers and 154 videos under their belt, depeet is a rising star in the YouTube community. But who is behind this channel and why are they making such a splash?

Meet the Creator behind the Camera

At the helm of depeet is a young man who goes by the name of "depeet". He's a student at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and is known for his silly antics, relatable content, and contagious energy. While not much is publicly known about the creator, it's clear that he has a knack for creating content that resonates with his target audience.

A Fun, Lighthearted Take on College Life

So what's the main idea behind depeet's videos? It's all about showcasing the college experience in a fun, lighthearted way. His videos have a vlog-style feel and often feature him and his friends going on adventures, attending parties, and just living life on campus. It's a refreshing take on the college experience and it's clear that depeet has struck a chord with his viewers.

The Importance of Social Media and Consistency

To grow and succeed in the world of YouTube, it's essential to have a strong social media presence and to be consistent with your content. Depeet knows this all too well and has a strong following on both Instagram and Tik Tok. He also posts daily, which is no easy feat. It's this dedication to both social media and his content that has helped him build a loyal fanbase.

Interesting Facts about Depeet

While depeet isn't a household name yet, there are some interesting facts about the channel that are worth knowing. For example, depeet uses both a Canon G7X and a GoPro to film his content. He's also known for his funny and goofy personality, which has helped him stand out on YouTube. Another interesting fact is that depeet's channel was created on April 3, 2019, so he's relatively new to the platform, but is already making waves.

In conclusion, depeet is a YouTuber who is making a name for himself in the world of college vlogging. His relatable content, fun personality, and strong presence on social media have helped him build a loyal fanbase. While he's still relatively new to the platform, it's clear that he's only just getting started. Keep an eye on depeet because he's a rising star that you won't want to miss!

@depeet youtube channel total stats

Views growth
2B total views
Estimated monthly income
$4.6K - $74.4K
Average subs grow speed
total followers
Video uploads count
Most recent video Feb 14, 2025
Last video: 3 weeks ago
Avg views per video: 199.7K
Avg likes per video: 450
Streams count: -
Shorts count: 422
Engagement rate: locked
Sponsorship and ads: locked

Last 7 days statistics

Day Est. Earnings Views growth Subs New videos
Today $ - $ -
Mar 5 $338 - $5.4K +1.35M
Mar 3 $395 - $6.3K +1.58M
Mar 1 $403 - $6.4K +1.61M
Total for 7 days $1.1K - $18.1K +4.54M - +0

Latest videos and streams of depeet

Depeet Top NEW Tik Tok Videos
Depeet Top Tik Tok Videos Of November 🤣
Depeet Top 100 Tik Tok Videos 🤣
Depeet Top Videos Of 2024 Tik Tok Compilation 🤣
Depeet Best Of School 🤣 Tik Tok Videos 2024 😆
Best Of The Mom - Depeet Tik Tok Compilation (1 HOUR!!)

Frequently asked questions about depeet (FAQ)

How many subscribers does @depeet have?

As of Feb, 2025, depeet has subscribers.

How many views does depeet have on youtube?

depeet has 2B views on Feb 14, 2025. In the last 30 days, it has gained 4.54M views

How much money does depeet make?

In last month depeet makes approximately $37.2K per month ($4.6K - $74.4K)
This is based on the average cpm for related content and the number of views for the last 30 days.

How many videos has depeet uploaded on youtube?

As of Feb, 2025, depeet has 0 videos and at least 422 shorts

How many likes does depeet have?

For the last 18 videos depeet has 450 likes in average and maximum - 648 likes
Channel published 422 shorts, and has 45.7K likes in average and maximum - 241K likes

What is depeet channel_id?

Youtube channel id for @depeet is UC4yMQLB46N8D_0HsX374Nhw. It can be used to find channel in youtube api or other services.
Also channel is known as "depeet"

What is the main topic and idea of depeet content?

The main genre of depeet, based on last videos is Entertainment.
Also channel can be described by it's keywords: college, funny, vlog, vlogging, vlogger, youtuber, umass, umass amherst, canon, film, g7x, go pro, fun

Is depeet popular on youtube?

No, channel is not popular on youtube - it has less than 10k subs. But it is growing fast! . As of Feb, 2025, it has subscribers and 2B views.. In the last 30 days, it has gained 4.54M views

From which country are depeet subscribers and how old is it's audience?

As for now - the youtube channel @depeet has information that it is located in United States
More information about channel's audience including interests, age and gender, languages, countries, CTA, brand mentions, quality score and media value can be found in pro subscription. There is demographic data for all channels.