Baby Zay's Cartoon World youtube avatar
Baby Zay's Cartoon World
babyzaycartoonworld #UC6sqpmfBwngFZQPPzFjDGTw
Country: DE RU
Category: Entertainment
Total views: 3.42M
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Created: 5 years ago
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History, main idea and reasons of popularity of Baby Zay's Cartoon World


Youtube has become a platform that has changed the world, it has revolutionized the way people think about information and entertainment. Its creators have given voice to new and exciting ideas, and one such creator is BillionSurpriseToys Shorts. The channel specializes in creating content that is aimed at children, and since its creation, it has become one of the most popular channels on the platform.

Who is Behind the Channel?

The creator of BillionSurpriseToys Shorts remains a mystery to this day. The only information we have about the creator is that the channel was created in 2019 and is run by Animacast Productions. Regardless of the anonymity of the creator, the channel has managed to achieve an incredible amount of success.

What is the Content of BillionSurpriseToys Shorts?

BillionSurpriseToys Shorts is a channel that mainly focuses on creating content for children. The channel specializes in reimagining classic nursery rhymes and making them fresh and fun. They create original songs and stories that are sure to become children's favorites. The channel features animated cartoons that are colorful and fun to watch, and their songs are catchy and educational.

The primary goal of the channel is to provide children with the safest and most enjoyable content possible. Their videos are carefully crafted to teach children basic skills like following instructions, improve phonemic and linguistic skills, and promote physical activity through dance. BillionSurpriseToys Shorts strives to make learning for children fun and entertaining.

Interesting Facts

BillionSurpriseToys Shorts is one of the fastest-growing channels on Youtube. It currently has over 295,000 subscribers and has amassed over 38,231,182 views. The channel has over 228 videos, which are all under 60 seconds, making it easy for children to watch and enjoy. The channel's videos are available on all major platforms, including Amazon Music, Spotify, iTunes, YouTube Music, Google Play Music, and Jio saavn.

The channel features an array of colorful characters that children will love. These characters are designed to be relatable and help children learn through experiencing different scenarios.

Another interesting fact about the channel is that it is produced by Animacast Productions. Animacast Productions is a company that specializes in the creation of animated content for children. They are an award-winning production company known for their innovative and creative ideas.


BillionSurpriseToys Shorts is a channel that is sure to put a smile on any child's face. Their content is fun, educational and safe, ensuring that children get the best possible experience. The anonymity of the creator adds an air of mystery that leaves viewers wondering who is creating these fantastic videos. Animacast Productions has done a fantastic job producing high-quality content that is accessible to families all over the world.

In conclusion, BillionSurpriseToys Shorts is a channel that has achieved a level of success that very few channels on Youtube have matched. The creators have managed to make learning and education fun for children, and their catchy and engaging songs have managed to capture the hearts of children all over the world. The future of the channel looks bright, and it will undoubtedly continue to captivate children for many years to come.

@babyzaycartoonworld youtube channel total stats

Views growth
3.42M total views
Estimated monthly income
$2 - $17
Average subs grow speed
total followers
Video uploads count
Most recent video Sep 5, 2024
Last video: 6 months ago
Avg views per video: 29.7K
Avg likes per video: 14
Streams count: -
Shorts count: 52
Engagement rate: locked
Sponsorship and ads: locked

Last 7 days statistics

Day Est. Earnings Views growth Subs New videos
Mar 5 $1 - $2 +267
Mar 3 $1 - $3 +569
Mar 1 $1 - $1 +186
Total for 7 days $1 - $5 +1K - +0

Latest videos and streams of Baby Zay's Cartoon World

Cha Cha Chaa Kids Dance Show! Music Video for Kids
Fun-loaded surprises and adventure games at the Big Mansion - Kids Adventure Show
Kids Bath Time Songs and Plays - Kids Nursery Rhymes
Bath Bath with Baby Zay! New Video Song
Explore Fun Experiments with Scientist Monkey and Best Episodes!
Baby Zay Jumps in Trampoline at the Park
Baby Zay 👶 finds a makeup box 💄 in his backyard 🏡
Baby Zay 👶 pretend plays the Baby Shark 🦈 song with family 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦!

Frequently asked questions about babyzaycartoonworld (FAQ)

How many subscribers does @babyzaycartoonworld have?

As of Sep, 2024, babyzaycartoonworld has subscribers.

How many views does Baby Zay's Cartoon World have on youtube?

babyzaycartoonworld has 3.42M views on Sep 5, 2024. In the last 30 days, it has gained 1K views

How much money does babyzaycartoonworld make?

In last month babyzaycartoonworld makes approximately $9 per month ($2 - $17)
This is based on the average cpm for related content and the number of views for the last 30 days.

How many videos has Baby Zay's Cartoon World uploaded on youtube?

As of Sep, 2024, babyzaycartoonworld has 0 videos and at least 52 shorts

How many likes does babyzaycartoonworld have?

For the last 30 videos babyzaycartoonworld has 14 likes in average and maximum - 14 likes
Channel published 52 shorts, and has 11.9K likes in average and maximum - 107.8K likes

What is babyzaycartoonworld channel_id?

Youtube channel id for @babyzaycartoonworld is UC6sqpmfBwngFZQPPzFjDGTw. It can be used to find channel in youtube api or other services.
Also channel is known as "Baby Zay's Cartoon World"

What is the main topic and idea of Baby Zay's Cartoon World content?

The main genre of Baby Zay's Cartoon World, based on last videos is Entertainment.
Also channel can be described by it's keywords: Baby Zay, Cartoon World, Kids Stories, children

Is babyzaycartoonworld popular on youtube?

No, channel is not popular on youtube - it has less than 10k subs. But it is growing fast! . As of Sep, 2024, it has subscribers and 3.42M views.. In the last 30 days, it has gained 1K views

From which country are babyzaycartoonworld subscribers and how old is it's audience?

As for now - the youtube channel @babyzaycartoonworld has information that it is located in Germany. But previously we saw in its about page another country - Russia
More information about channel's audience including interests, age and gender, languages, countries, CTA, brand mentions, quality score and media value can be found in pro subscription. There is demographic data for all channels.